domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020



Aviation mechanic shortage means well-paying jobs up for grabs ...Personally, I consider the PARTT 147 Act of 2019 (Promoting Aviation Regulations for Technical Training) an important change in aviation regulation. Maintenance is an area not commonly considered when talking about aviation, but they are the doctors that keep our industry safe and sound.

Nevertheless, in the past 20 years mechanics have faced a major gap between what they were taught in their schools and what they encountered in the airline job. Training became outdated as consequence of the evolving technologies in the industry. Manufacturers redesigning their aircraft constantly and airlines meeting the increasing demand for air travel has created an constantly changing landscape. Newer and more effective methods needed to be created, and in response, Congress created passed this bill.

According to ATEC group (2019):The Promoting Aviation Regulations for Technical Training (PARTT) 147 Act (S.3043/H.R.5427) would direct the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to replace current training requirements with a new, community-drafted regulation that would establish a performance-based oversight system. Under the new law, aviation maintenance technician schools certificated and governed by Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 147, would have the flexibility to teach content that is reflective of today’s high-tech environment (p.1).

This new Act promoted new guidelines for schools in order to educate highly professional mechanics that are able to face modern technologies. Creating a system in which first-hand experience along with close supervision was key to enable mechanics to have the necessary set of skills.


ATEC (2019). Congress Introduces New Legislation to Modernize 50-year-old Aviation Maintenance Training Regulation. Aviation Pros.

United States Congress (2019).  S.3043 - Promoting Aviation Regulations for Technical Training (PARTT) 147 Act of 2019.

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